Mainly to know if you guys think that this games with no dates still have a chance to release in May/Jun/July or if you think everything will be August or later like it normally happen. website says EGS, STEAM, GEFORCE NOW, PS5 and XBOX SERIES XS. Its just for guesses, maybe some new infos that I missed or something like that. ARC Raiders is a free-to-play cooperative action shooter where you and your squad of Raiders unite to resist ARC a mechanized threat descending from space. ARC Raiders is a free-to-play cooperative action shooter where you and your squad of Raiders unite to resist ARC a mechanized threat descending from space. Announced in 2019 as the successor to the PlayStation 4, it is scheduled to launch on. We all know COVID is still a major problem and probably the main issue for all this games still not having a release date. The PlayStation 5 (PS5) is an upcoming home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Note that this is not a topic about complaining that games still not have release dates.

So, I've decided to have some fun and think about a road map about the next games I pretend to play after I finish Cyberpunk. Wir haben die Entscheidung getroffen, ARC Raiders auf 2023 zu verschieben. Ok, so after more than 300 hours played in the last 2 months with Elden ring and Forbidden West, I now, just have Cyberpunk to play as a game i am really really interested in play. Die Pressemeldung zum ARC Raiders Release.