You didn't 'get' the Rad Rat!? Aw man, that was one of my crowning achievements, coming up with that. I felt my Goblins, being more Alchemy/Research/Experiment-focused, were pretty differentiated from the 'standard' Mech/Bomb-focused Goblins. I would make the Shrine have an ability with infinite range to build another Shrine or Burrower it seems like something this race should have. The spells provide a compelling race I have to say. The Maw of Oblivion is a blast to play! When he was under Command Aura his deployed damage was listed as 999999-999999 or there abouts. It can also target Child of the Nether with no effect. To make it easy I would just use the food cost of the unit and make it a one time "upgrade" for the structure. Everything is magic based which makes sense and I like that the Vortex of Sacrifice, I have not seen that concept before.

The Ethergate doesn't do anything until T2 but can be built at T1. DL currently outranges the blight by maybe 2000 distance? I like the Child of the Nether, it's similar to Larva, but the random spread is annoying for unit grouping, a bad idea when the base is being attacked, and adds seconds of delay to building time. I could see Drain Lumber being an issue for expanding if, on a larger map, a Void player was attempting to hide it. I also feel that the Elekk would be the weaker lower damage siege unit and the Ata'mal Cannon should be the big gun. In general units are resilient but not devastating. Divine Advent is a great initiation spell. I love Astral Portal but it's hard to see the benefit over a scroll or Mass Teleport, it should not have a span but instead last as long as the Exarch channels and with a maximum unit count (probably 18). This means a player can have nearly invulnerable food supply unless they spend the time to go hunt Naaru. Naaru move too fast and being a flying unit I was able to send them off into the corner of the map where only flying units could reach them. I like the idea behind the system but I would say you should apply it race-wide and experiment with transformation times. This is compounded by them being able to mount a Nether Ray should the opponent decide to go back to ground units the squishy anti-air unit is now out of reach. It allows me to go all in ground attack and then immediately counter an enemy who goes with air by recycling now useless units, whereas every other race must train new units. The Vindicator/Venator swap is odd, but also somewhat unfair to opponents. Brain Brew allowed me to basically never be out of mana.As it stands I can make them and heal as I please. A better concept would have been a one-use cast or limited use cast that "drains" the sludge tank. The Sludge Tank can AoE heal too often and for too much, especially for the unit cost.There are two severe issues that break this race: I never got to test it as I didn't allow the AI to get into my base, but I would make it heavy damage that dissipates as soon as the enemy unit clears the building.
Waste management should deal more damage and have a downside as well if it's going to require manual casting. Whirlgig is just filling a space, it's not worth getting. I actually like that as a Goblin unit concept but the stats need to be adjusted and I think it would be better suited a damage sponge melee unit.

Ooze benefits from death, there's no reason not to toss it into battle on the front line. Access to the heavier damage units comes too fast, and they cost too little. It seems to me that Goblin units would be weaker overall and rely on skill shots or similar nuke abilities. Units seem too strong I was able to defeat a Orc Insane with a 71 food army.