(GRUNTS) Fortunately, it has a very distinct chemical footprint. As you can see, in the wrong hands, the PX-41 serum could be the most devastating weapon on Earth. (GROANS) (YELP) Ah! (GROWLS) (YELLS) (ALL GROANING) Huh, you usually don't see that in bunnies. What is PX-41, you ask? Mmm, it's pretty bad. The lab was devoted to experiments involving PX-41, a transmutation serum. Um, recently, an entire top-secret lab disappeared from the Arctic Circle. I am the League's director, Silas Ramsbottom. Second, after I did do that, I put it back! We're well aware of that, Mr.

First of all, you got no proof that I did that. But you want to melt the polar ice caps, or vaporize Mount Fuji, or even steal the Moon. An ultra-secret organization dedicated to fighting crime on a global scale. Okay, this is bogus! (CHUCKLES) I don't know who you people think you are, but. (CHUCKLES) I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I apologize for our methods in getting you here. Ah, pins and needles! (GROANS) SILAS: Good afternoon, Mr. Quack, quack! (DUCK QUACKING) (YELLING) (YELLING) (BOTH YELLING) (BOTH GRUNT) (BOTH EXCLAIM AGGRESSIVELY) (PEDESTRIANS EXCLAIMING IN ALARM) (HIP HOP MUSIC PLAYING) (CHANGING RADIO STATIONS) MINIONS: Wow! (HONKING HORN) (BOTH SCREAM) (GRUNTS) (GASPS) What? Where? Whoa, foot is asleep. Whom! Ooh! (YELLING) (EXCLAIMING IN MINIONESE) Oh! Huh? Ah. you big man! Boss! (CHATTERING IN MINIONESE) (GRUNTS) Uh? Huh! (SCREAMING) Whoa! Huh? AN. Freeze ray! You know, you really should announce your weapons after you fire them, Mr. Oh, (CHUCKLES) whoops! (CLEARS THROAT) Sorry, you're gonna have to come with me. (STAMMERING) I What? Yes? Hi! Agent Lucy of the AVL. (CHUCKLES) GRU: Kyle? Kyle? Kyle, no! Do not do your business on the petunias! There you Those are Good boy! LUCY: Mr.

(YELLS) (GASPS) I'm sorry, I did not see you there. How about my cousin Linda? No! Oh! Oh! I know someone whose husband just died.
(LAUGHS) Come on, she's a riot! She sings karaoke, she has a lot of free time, looks aren't that important to her. So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but my friend Natalie is recently single, and. Life of the Party! (LAUGHS) Hello, Jillian. ALL: Yay! (GROANS) Thank you, Gruzinkerbell! You're the best fairy princess ever! (IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) You are welcome, little girl! I know it's really you, Gru. (GROANS) (GRUNTING) (GASPS AND SIGHS) (IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) It is I, Gruzinkerbell, the most magical fairy princess of all! And I am here to wish Princess Agnes a very happy birthday! How come you're so fat? Because my house is made of candy, and sometimes I eat instead of facing my problems! How come you have. (GASPS) It's the fairy princess! She's coming! (ALL GASP) (GAS PS) Look! (GRUNTING) Huh? on! (CHUCKLES) Eh'? (BLOWS RASPBERRY) (CHUCKLING) (GRUNTING) (YELLS) Ow! (GRUNTING) KID: Ow. MINIONS: Aw! (GASPS) Wait, did you hear that? It sounded like the twinkling sounds of magical fairy dust. You know what? I hope that you can sleep at night, you crusher of little girls' dreams! AGNES: Ooh, ooh! When's the fairy princess coming? Any minute now! Yay! Stall them! (GRUNTS) (CHATTERS m MINIONESE) KIDS: Ooh! Whoa! Whoa, okay! Okay, all right.

(GROANS) Hurts! (YELLS) Stop it! Listen! I don't want a refund, I want the fairy princess, Please, please, I'm begging you.
What do you mean she's not coming? I have a backyard full of these little girls who are counting on a visit from a fairy princess. KIDS: Yay! (CHATTERING IN MINIONESE) No, no, no. This is the best party ever! (CHUCKLES) Yeah! Ha! (BLOWS RASPBERRY) (SQUEALS) (WAILS) Oh, no! A dragon is approaching! (GROANS) (ALL YELL) (CHUCKLING) Fear not, for here come the gallant knights to save us. Ta-da! (BOTH GRUNTING) (YELLS) (CRASHING) Ta-da! (CHUCKLES) Ta-da! (MUMBLES IN MINIONESE) (MAN SPEAKING RUSSIAN OVER LOUDSPEAKER) (LAUGHS) (GRUNTS) (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) (LAUGHS) (WHOOPING) (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) Huh? (BOTH SPEAKING RUSSIAN) (GASPS) (YELLS) (GRUNTS) (YELPS) (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) (ALL YELLING) (GROANING) (GROANS) SILAS: Three weeks, and we're still no closer to cracking this.